Arms Collectors Guild of Queensland
This website is provided as a resource to assist Members and the Public with information relating to study of military history and the collection and use of associated arms. We endeavour to offer a platform for the sharing of information and opinion and invite input from Members and the Public, but reserve the right to withhold or withdraw publication of articles that are prejudicial to the broad interests of the Guild. The material on the website is largely dependent on your input, so we look forward to receiving your submissions and suggestions. Please tell your friends and invite them to also contribute by becoming a member and raising the public awareness of the Guild and it activities.
Happy Collecting !
The President
Arms Collectors Guild of Queensland
Membership Access Area
This site provides easy access for the ACQG membership throughout Queensland, thus allowing prompt Guild communications and transmissions including Guild newsletters, expert technical articles on subjects of interest, updates on Guild activities, meetings and events.
Because of the every changing regularity scene we now live in, members must have access to all the latest statuary changes which effect and dictate their legitimate collecting of firearms and weapons in all its guises, shapes and sizes.
The regulatory and mandatory reporting aspects is clearly a fact of modern day collecting of firearms and weapons of all kinds however it should be viewed in the context of merely being a small necessary part of the joy of being able to collect historical and interesting weapons, for those who will inevitably follow us in this exciting pastime.
Public Domain Areas
Interested members of the public with a genuine appreciation of antique and general firearms / weapons and who are keen to expand their knowledge in a specialised area of collecting, are strongly encouraged to investigate membership within the ACGQ.
The procedures and statuary requirements for membership have been addressed on this web site, designed to aid the budding new collector join our organisation and who are strongly encouraged to establish contact with the Guild now.
For more detail, please contact the Secretary, ACGQ via
![Queensland Flag](images/queensland-flag2.gif)
Guild Research
The Guild is happy to respond to requests for information on particular firearms, weaponry and relevant history.
The editor of the Journal is happy to receive additional information from interested parties concerning articles in the Journal and articles submitted for publication in the Journal will always be welcomed and considered on their merits.
Arms Collecting Links
Take a look through our list of websites to help you with your research
Website Hits
1837 hits since 10/4/07